What we cure?
Osteopaths can treat patients with many complaints. Possible complaints include:
- Back and neck problems: pain, lumbago, hernia, blockades, muscle stiffness, limited mobility, etc.
- Joint problems: pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, etc.
- Headache: tension headache, migraine, dizziness, etc.
- Sports injuries: sprains, repeated inflammation, tendinitis, cramps, pains, etc.
- Visceral complaints: acid indigestion, heartburn, bloating, intestinal problems, constipation, digestive complaints, etc.
Locomotion System
Posture Disorders
- posture global disorders
- posture disorders of the vertebral curves (hyperlordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis)
- posture disorders of individual articulations (extension, flexure, inclination, valgus, varus, rotation, torsion)
- posture disorders after pregnancy
Partial or total loss of mobility in connection or in absence of traumas (adhesions, dislocations, torn muscles, scars).
- traumas of soft tissues (skin, fascia, muscles, ligaments, vessels, nerves, organs)
- post-operation traumas
- post-parturition traumas
- perinatal traumas in the newly-born
- partial or total block of one or more articulations
- loss of elasticity in the soft tissues (skin, muscles, ligaments, vessels, nerves, organs)
- rigidity

Pains according to region
- low back pain
- lumbago
- torticollis
- cervicalgia
- cervicobrachialgia
- coxalgia
- cruralgia
- dorsalgia
- headache
- gonalgia
- ischialgia
- lombalgia
- occipitalgia
- pubalgia
- sacralgia
- sciatic neuralgia
Arthrosis and arthritis
- spondylosis
- discartrosis
- PSH (scapulo-humeral with or without periarthritis)
- cervical
- gonarthrosis
Extra-articular Phlogistic Conditions
- bursitis
- tendinitis
- tenosinovitis
- fibromialgic sindrome

Cardiovascular System
- cephalea of vascular origin
- post-operation oedema
- lymphatic stasis
- venous stasis
- varicose veins
Digestive System
- chronic cholecistitis
- essential colitis
- essential dyspepsias and gastrites
- transit disorders (constipation and diarrhoea)
- swallowing disorders
- haemorrhoids
- hiatal hernia and reflux syndrome
- meteorism
- nausea
- chronic pancreatitis
- irritable colon syndrome
- intestinal disbiosis syndrome
Respiratory System
- rhinitis
- sinusitis
- chronic bronchitis
- after-effects of pleuritis
Genito - Urinary System
- chronic cystitis
- oedema of renal origin
- urinary incontinence
- adherences due to adnexitis
- essential testicular algia
- uterus position and mobility disorders
- essential disorders of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, dismenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, hypermenorrhea)
- pregnancy follow-up
- pre-partum preparation
- prostatitis
- premestrual syndrome